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numerology consultations with Elizabeth Gifford Maffei

About Numerology

The study of numbers is an ancient science. Each number associated with your name and birth date has an energetic signature that impacts you and makes you unique. Numerology is an avenue to create awareness and guidance for your life, relationships, and career. Learn about your strengths and hidden talents so that you can choose to create and amplify your road ahead.

Life Path Consultation

This consultation includes a tailor-made, personally-written digital report, an initial 60 minute live Zoom meeting, and eleven, 15 minute monthly coaching calls centering around your progress and growth through the frequency of your unique, numeric signature. Areas of your life covered for your life path include: 


Life path

Personal year

Universal year





Karmic lessons

Karmic debt 

Birth day

Destiny number

Soul number

Personality number 

Maturity number 

Current name


The Balance of numbers 

Monthly projections

Your Year Ahead Consultation

Your numerology chart is updated yearly, once you’ve experienced the full Life Path Numerology Consultation. This includes a tailor-made, personally-written digital report, an initial 30 minute live Zoom meeting, and eleven, 15 minute monthly coaching calls centering around your progress and growth for this next cycle. Areas of your life covered for your year ahead include: 


Personal year

Universal year


Karmic lessons

Karmic debt 

Monthly projections

My Clients Say...

"I just wanted to thank you for our Numerology session today.  As you know, I have had a block in getting to the next level with my business.  I wanted to work with you because you are so sincere in your desire to help and guide people in their business lives, which of course translates over into personal growth as well. We have interacted numerous times and after having spoken to you at length, I felt that we had developed a sense of trust and felt very comfortable with you doing the session with me.


The session was extremely enlightening and it really surprised me that it was spot on.  To gain the realization that so much of what I have felt and continue to feel, has an actual basis in my makeup and the numbers that influence my life is very uplifting.


What was really exciting was the realization that I am extremely capable of working through the challenges, that I am so much more powerful than I ever realized.


You opened my eyes to a different way of looking at self-criticism as instead, stepping back and critiquing myself in a given situation, which is positive rather than beating myself up with negative thoughts.  The overall feeling of joy and excitement and anticipation with which I am looking at my business and my life is so liberating.


I know that I have challenges to work through and that I am a work in progress, but you have given me the tools I need to help me through them.  I understand the reasons I have felt limited and with that understanding I can look at myself and my business in a much more positive and hopeful manner.


I will certainly recommend you not only to anyone that feels any limitations and blocks in their business or personal lives, but to anyone who simply wants a better insight into who they are and why they act and respond the way they do to circumstances in life. Again, thank you so much."

- KD

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